
First Lutheran Church

Mission Statement: Christ has called us to: Invite, Connect, Disciple and Go.

Christian Education

Sunday School

Sunday school at First Lutheran Church is held at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays between the worship services.  There is no Sunday school during the summer months.  Our classes include Nursery through 5th grade.

Confirmation Instruction

Confirmation Instruction is a faith-development course for 6th through 8th grade students. Click here for a PDF of the current program.
Some of the programs offered are:

Luther’s Small Catechism



The Ten Commandments
The Lord’s Prayer
Apostles’ Creed

Bible Orientation
The Old Testament
The New Testament

Lutheran Worship

Classes are held on the 4th Sunday of the month from 11:30am – 1pm. 

Confirmation Camp is held at the Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries facilities in Ashland, Nebraska for grades 6-8. Students spend Sunday through Friday with their class along with students from several other Lutheran congregations in Nebraska for faith formation activities throughout the week.

Following confirmation in those that are going to be in 9th grade of the following school year, are invited to attend Leadership Lab.

Confirmation is celebrated in October of each year as the students are beginning 9th grade.

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