Happy Spring

 As Spring is springing, let us ponder on this verse: 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!”  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Sometimes it is so hard to think about change, and yet we gaze out our windows and walk around outside, giving thanks for yet another longed-for change in our lives.  This change in temperatures, this change in season…It’s a good change, isn’t it?

Cabin fever hit many of us harder than usual this year.  We’ve yearned for warmer, sunnier days, and so we find this a welcome change.  The old has gone and the new is here!  Hopefully you’ve noticed, as I have…all the colors coming back into the world.  Hopefully we’re noticing a mood-change in the world around us…All for the sake of change.

So then…why is it that we hold onto the old for so long before letting go?

The days of winter are gone, and I am very glad about that!

The days of washing our clothes on a wash board out at the creek are gone, and I am very glad about that! 

The days of hanging our rugs out on the clothes line and beating out the dust (I’ve clearly been watching too many old movies)…those days are gone, and I am very glad about that!

I’m even glad that we don’t have the old phones with party lines, and I’m glad that I don’t have to write this all out by hand.

We’ve all had so many changes in our lives…but yet we cling so tightly to some things that we don’t want to let go of.

I like this scripture as a reminder that I am a new creation every day.  Focusing on Christ keeps me new.  Every day is new…every moment…and because I am such a fractured person, I need newness every day.  Every day is just another chance to begin again with the Lord.

Walk with me into newness.  And receive God’s blessings as we explore this new beginning in time and space.  Do not be afraid as we continue to explore who we are, who our neighbor is, and who God wants us to be in our community of faith and in this community in the Northeast corner of Nebraska.

                                           – Pastor Patti Meyer